(Barkley in the distance)
Selavy made a good point to me via email. I won't reprint it here but the essence of it was that once an issue becomes a social issue then everybody loses their sense of humor about it. It's true, and I am perhaps the guiltiest. I have written a few times about the issue of same-sex marriage recently, here and there, and I have made a bit of fun of conservative ideology in doing so, but I forgot to also poke fun at gay marriage. I mean, gay jokes are funny. They are. It's true. Gay marriage jokes are funny. If I could only find a way of fitting a few of them onto this post.
But it is true. Once we lose our sense of humor about something then that thing has become sacred. While I was busy attacking the idea of "the sanctity of marriage" I was also making the issue of same-sex marriage sacred in its own way. Sacred cow makes the best hamburger, as they say. So, enough of my tirades against the right. I will return to my usual irreverent self, laughing at all things freely, but without malice.
I promise. I solemnly and sacredly vow it, etc.
Ok, moving on. Yesterday we had a very nice day: breakfast, a quick visit to the garden, presents, a nap, a bike ride, sitting on the patio watching the shadows float across the lawn, drinks, dinner (scallops), then after-dinner drinks, a chat with grandma, then off to bed. The very vision of what a Mother's Day is supposed to be, heterosexuals enjoying each other's company, etc.
I counted the empty bottles this morning and I trembled at them, frightened of what they had done to me.
I counted the empty bottles this morning and I trembled at them, frightened of what they had done to me.
Today might just be a lost day. I'm going to go find a spot in the shade, park my car and take a nice long nap.