Thursday, September 30, 2010
More rain

Wednesday, September 29, 2010
B Flat, undiscussed Villon.

Things are pronounced and distorted here ; their value, their worth, forever changed by the lightnings and shadows ; the unending feeling that the much-anticipated opening is closing, has closed.
Siesta Key
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Rainy Days and Photography

Saturday, September 25, 2010
the rules of the game
Friday, September 24, 2010
this unpieced place

a night of drink, perhaps love
How many like me have come home
cold and dead from such nights
from such love
I could nearly see ahead of me, stars,
bleak horizon and the jagged lost line
of inkblack mountain
From that darkness emerged
dark fountains, flowers found,
the faces of women,
so seemingly, some so beautiful
some shadows, no sound
sensuous but already blossomed
faded, and failed
in that nameless instant,
and now us
You and I in this unpieced place
where unknown
we fall into the eye of the unnamed
After all this night, death, half-funny
another daze, demised.
sculpture not carved of stone
but of want, and blame
anonymous death, half-funny,
half lame.
Thursday, September 23, 2010

Thursday, September 16, 2010
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
the facts of life
The speed of cheap, New Orlean's style jazz….

Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Saturday, September 11, 2010
... no roll in the heart of doubt

I have been giving far too much thought to this "chemtrail" phenom.... It occurred to me that it is a nearly perfect conspiracy theory. Anybody, anytime, anywhere can participate in it merely by looking up into the sky and believing that they see something far different than what they have seen before, something worthy of question. All that it takes to begin is a vague feeling that your government is doing something wrong, a belief that the skies are becoming increasingly ominous, and a new level of scrutiny emerges... and then voila', conspiracies abound; it confirms to the newly initiated a global coalition of evil, orchestrated by international conspiracy, and only those in league with evil, or deadened by the machinations of media, would claim otherwise.
It just seems to me that with all that there is verifiable in the world that can be fought why focus on unverified claims that contrails, which have existed without serious question for many years, even decades, are now somehow part of a system of evil. There is real evil in the world and it can be verified, and much of it comes from our own government. Should not these things be tackled first? The popularity of these absurd chem-claims can be traced directly back to September 11th, 2001. Without any research, I am certain of it. It is understandable, but preposterous and disappointing. I began making the claim that chemtrails can not be photographed because it is an appropriately absurd response, in measure and step with the initial thesis: self-evidently false. It is the least I can do.... "The evidence is evident.", say the theorists.
The modern world could use a reminder that all doubt is not equal, there is no such thing as democracy of intelligence. Intelligence is staunchly empirical, it seeks to fairly dominate other thought and eliminate ignorance, but not speculation. It invites question, but it equally invites question of the question.
Ok, I leave you with the ominous skies of New York City.... the birthplace of modern doubt and empire....
Thursday, September 9, 2010
Why can't "chemtrails" be photographed?
Conspiracy theories are the subject of broad critique by academics, politicians, and the media.
Perhaps the most contentious aspect of a conspiracy theory is the problem of settling a particular theory's truth to the satisfaction of both its proponents and its opponents. Particular accusations of conspiracy vary widely in their plausibility, but some common standards for assessing their likely truth value may be applied in each case:
- Occam's razor - does the alternative story explain more of the evidence than the mainstream story, or is it just a more complicated and therefore less useful explanation of the same evidence?
- Logic - do the proofs offered follow the rules of logic, or do they employ fallacies of logic?
- Methodology - are the proofs offered for the argument well constructed, i.e., using sound methodology? Is there any clear standard to determine what evidence would prove or disprove the theory?
- Whistleblowers - how many people – and what kind – have to be loyal conspirators? The more wide-ranging and pervasive the conspiracy is alleged to be, the greater the number of people would have to be involved in perpetrating it - is it credible that nobody involved has brought the affair to light?
- Falsifiability - would it be possible to determine whether specific claims of the theory are false, or are they "unfalsifiable"?
Noam Chomsky, an academic critical of the United States establishment, contrasts conspiracy theory as more or less the opposite of institutional analysis, which focuses mostly on the public, long-term behaviour of publicly known institutions, as recorded in, e.g. scholarly documents or mainstream media reports, rather than secretive coalitions of individuals.[21]
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
I am afraid of photographers

Here to see the Dr.
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
Employees Must Wash Hands Befor

Monday, September 6, 2010
The Rockaways

The other day my wife and I decided to go to the beach. From the South Street Seaport there is a ferry that drops you off at Sandy Hook. When we got down to the pier we were informed that the Sandy Hook ferry wasn't running, so we decided to go to The Rockaways. We were astonished at how few people had decided to go to the beach on such a lovely day. We thought that we would have the beach all to ourselves, perhaps sunbathe naked. Who knows.

The water was very cold, we told ourselves, too much so to go swimming, sadly - and the sand was very difficult, almost impossible. There was the camera to think about, you see. So I took some pictures between the sandstorms when I felt that there was a break in the action. There was not very much to take pictures of, at least not very much that interested me, but I walked around with the camera and beer just in case. The day was beautiful and the there were just enough clouds in the sky that the day was prevented from being terribly hot.
Sunday, September 5, 2010
behaviorally dependent….

Although micromanagement is often easily recognized by employees, micromanagers rarely view themselves as such. In a form of denial similar to that found in addictive behavior, micromanagers will often rebut allegations of micromanagement by offering a competing characterization of their management style, e.g., as "structured" or "organized."
Friday, September 3, 2010
"All Democrats Are Dumber Than Me"

Some holiday weekend
Thursday, September 2, 2010
I Often Dream Of Trains

Wednesday, September 1, 2010
Beacon, again Sam