Daylight Saving Time has occurred twice since we've been here in California. This time it works against me. I knew it was coming. I will be late to work by exactly one hour and then claim that I had no idea what was happening. I know how to trick my phone into showing the time that I choose. I do not believe that they can punish a person for such a thing. But they have recently invented unique forms of punishment, designed just for me. I am trying to get fired before I quit. Right now it is a neck and neck race.
I blame the whole D.S.T. on Californians. It is precisely the type idea they would come up with, like Arnold Schwarzenegger. I suppose they can't actually be blamed for coming up with the idea of Arnold, only for elevating it past its steroidal stages. His campaign should have been called just that: Roid-Rage, the human growth platform.
Oh, I don't have much to write about today. I was going to write a piece on the banking industry but so far all I had was the name of the post, Gang-Banking. I just don't have it in me to rail today. It's a Sunday, for Christ's sake.
I am like a hummingbird at rest, not flying backwards, just trying to conserve energy. If I accomplish anything at all at work today then rest assured I was pressured into it. Sting, where is thy death?