Thursday, March 20, 2014


(Cock and Ball)

Finally... I'm awake an hour before I have to do anything. It feels as if it's been weeks.

It has been, in truth, precisely one week.

I wish there were midgets for hire that would shave my face while I was sleeping. They don't have to be midgets, they could be dwarves, though I suspect that the smaller arms would make the task more difficult. If I woke up they might frighten me, being too close, with razors, their eyes staring in the dark, focused, etc. At least midgets would seem to be at a normal distance for such a task, relative to size.

I know that we are not supposed to say these things - because dwarves are not to be trusted - but still, the temptation is strong. Perhaps we are only meant to poke fun at dwarves in private. I have often heard that if you can get an elderly person to say "Those damned Orientals!" three times in succession that dwarves will appear and the room will be filled with the musty smell of boiling mutton.

I have never been able to test the science of this, but it is my faith.

I had a friend recently refer to both religion and science as "belief structures." 

Never one to wince at a challenge, I spent the next several hours confirming one side of his statement. The thing that never occurred to me - or, maybe it did - was to call them both "knowledge structures," because that's also what they are. One deals with empirical knowledge and one deals with personal knowledge, so they are both Knowledge Structures. 

See how easy it is?

Revealed wisdom is the only wisdom for me. If it wasn't a vision given to an overwrought sectarian roaming the desert more than a thousand years ago, then of what possible interest could it be to me now? 

But enough of all that... if we can't make fun of dwarves and their invisible elf friends then we shouldn't be able to make fun of desert religions either. It seems only fair, and a small price to pay to finally get all of those magical gold coins. 

As for my friend... There are those that seem to believe that somehow assessing the similarities between science and religion places them above the silly squabbles of the struggle, that to be able to see the battle in a dispassionately reductive way keeps them well above the mindless fray. 

Perhaps it does, and it would be wrong to not teach creationism next to the other competing theories. If belief is a component of both then they should be given fair time to speak their truths in an educational environment. Why should one get to force the other out of child rearing? Education should offer equal opportunity of choice, and payment based on satisfaction. Teachers have their argument for more pay all backwards. It should be based solely on satisfaction scores.

American Idol-Style.

People take for granted the lessons of Enlightenment, I think, I hope.... They gladly embrace the individualism but forget the part about reason. There seems to be a sense among people I know who care to discuss such things that they might not know everything, but that shouldn't stop them from voicing an opinion....

But why?

Democracy has taught us that our voice matters, and that we should all participate. I want to be able to vote in the classroom most of all, where it matters.

I smoke crack, AND I VOTE!!!

I am, of course, against almost everything. Though… I am for silencing ignorance, even if it means educating people. Giving illiteracy a voice under the guise of opinion seems silly. We should be able to exploit ignorance through labor, not stand back and listen to it as if it deserves its chance to thrive.

If we can't stop people from talking - because that would be wrong also, like hiring dwarves to conduct your personal hygiene while you sleep - then we should at least teach them how to think, and also why it's important to do so.

I would start with the basics.

The three R's: Ruined, Redeemed, Regenerated.

That is all that ye need to know. Christ's blood, etc.

Where am I going with this, and how can I defeat my argument more fully…

Let's see:

Much of this started with equality in the workplace, I'm certain of it. I hope that everyone can now see how evil and dangerous such a thing can be. We have created a legion of people who actually believe that everybody's opinions should be respected and that we should treat all ideas as equal, even if they come from the diseased mind of one whom might accept the science of global flooding.

Once you start treating ignorance as a defensible point of view, on par with thought and evidence, then there is no logical end to it. The dwarves have won.

How the defense of ignorance came to be regarded as a civic responsibility is beyond me.

I dare you to go into your job and explain to everyone that you have a bias towards education.

But, state it like this:  I openly reject ignorance, I feel an obligation to discriminate against those who embrace it.

I almost want to go into a few practice job interviews just to test this.

I would find myself in a situation where I am being interviewed by a "team" and expound my concerns about inequality in the workplace. Then, carefully explain that I am a strong believer in "unconscious incomprehension," and I hope that this company respects my rights.

I wouldn't want to find out after the interview process that I had been rejected based on my beliefs. I hope that equality in all areas is promoted here and that discriminatory practices are not encouraged by the authorities who run this company. I would hate to find out that I had been singled out for non-hiring because I couldn't answer any of your questions. 

Also, I know that I was 20 minutes late to the interview, but I expect equality of time. I might have woken up a little later than you… What gives your clock precedence over mine?

All that is required is to claim that you were born into a Christian family, that you had no real choice over it, and voila…Magic! 

Fear of dwarves, shouldn't that be protected also, on equal footing at least with anything else.

I personally believe dwarves are dangerous, though useful. Who will protect me from them while also allowing me to enjoy their labors?

Libertarians... tomorrow I will tackle the problem with them and their close proximity to ogres, or is it trolls?

Which one got thrown over the bridge by a fat billy goat?

That one.

(Note: This is not a lie. The image used for today's post was taken during a job interview, from a room in which I was being interviewed, waiting between rounds of interviewers. The image has been partially erased, but it was used to question me, to determine my ability to think. The purpose of the test was to assess the flexibility of my thought processes and the acuity of my reasoning capacities. They did not offer me the job. It is the only time thus far in life that that has been the end result of a job interview. I consider myself a victim of a bent thermometer. It is an implied temperature threat.)
