Monday, December 13, 2010


Just this morning I decided that posting blog entries is an activity best done while sober.  

Platitudinal persona indeed...

The birds are moving south.  They are everywhere.  It seems that they spend so much energy not making any progress.  It's too bad that Sarah Palin isn't here to kill them.  I heard that she killed a moose on her tv show.  That's really something.  It's comforting to think that a woman with such big-hairy-hunter-balls could have been our Vice President. Just a bullet through the heart away from being the most powerful monster in all of Christendom. She's like some demonic media behemoth summoned into existence by the blood-thirsting perversity of our nation. Bring forth the the Palin.... 

I bet she has an enormous clitoris.

Ok, no politics.  Just poems about birds in flight, sunsets, and long walks on the beach at night....

The birds are moving south, all cries of grey in a sea of clouds.