Tuesday, June 17, 2014


I went and watched the World Cup match between Ghana and the US yesterday, at a local pub that has wifi, so I could still work a bit. It was really something. I was surrounded by Americans that knew little to nothing about the sport and Mexicans who were proud to be cheering for their new country, and knew the game well. It was odd and inspiring all at once.

Why is it embarrassing to watch Americans be patriotic during the World Cup? Is it because they don't care about the sport at all otherwise. Or, is it something even deeper. Perhaps a recognition of what that sort of jingoist nationalist sentiment causes. It makes me uneasy to watch the American version of patriotism come to life in a small room with no escape.

I had planned to write a more complete piece about it, but now I must make some quick notes and nothing more. I am already at our new office, the penthouse, enjoying my lovely seventh floor view of the capital of earthquake paradise. 

But for the game... Here are a few things I heard yelled out, or said sincerely, during the match:

These are all real, I swear to it.

The problem with the US team is that we don't take dives.

You can't hurt steel!

C'mon Boys!

Support the Troops!

I shit you not. Support the Troops.
