Tuesday, September 27, 2011


There have been rumors, some from Amsterdam, some from even further East, that I might not win the Nobel Prize. Some have suggested that either have I ingested too much acid, or too little, that my ideas are fantastical, but not in the fun way, just the deranged ramblings of a functional madman.  

I suppose some of these claims might have merit.  I have eaten a lot of acid, though not in a few years. New York never seemed the right place for such a thing.  I suppose I could tighten up my theories a bit.  It could be a reaction to the weak nuclear principle that causes the apparent shift in anti-neutrinos towards the neutrino event, rather than gravitational forces.  But I felt so certain when I was making it all up, now I feel confused...  

But let's be honest... this CERN project has asked Fermilab to verify their findings.  When has Europe ever asked America for help? Or to validate their findings?  This single aspect of the project alone makes me suspicious.  I know I went on a bit of a rant about Canadians once, but everybody must feel that way from time to time, right?  It was just last night, on my other blog, the one that mentions the wines I drink, but I stand behind my prejudices, if sometimes only for protection... 

No, I'm kidding.  I suppose I was just trying to get a rise out of a few of my readers.  In retrospect perhaps eating a handful of acid is a very good idea.  

Who knows.... It's always worked for me in the past.  Perhaps it is just what will give me that insightful breakthrough into the world of high-level particle physics.

Ha! Let's see who's laughing then....