Thursday, January 12, 2023

Q6 Family Update

Oh yeah, I forgot to write a post yesterday. I meant to... I thought about it... but then I just went on living my life. 

How do I expect any therapeutic benefits if I'm not going to write every day? To spill my guts, as they say. I'm here because I need some outlet. Or rather, I feel as if I need some outlet. Just agreeing with my gay friends that White Lotus is a great series isn't enough. I need more than just consumable enjoyments. 

This is the part of the post where I break out into song. Anything at all from Mamma Mia. 

I will try to avoid oversharing today. That's something that happens to me at work. Somebody will ask me a simple, innocuous question, a softball is what they're called. I'll begin a monologue that somehow ends up several paragraphs later with me buying amphetamines in the dangerous neighborhood near the stadium back in '94, and that's how I ended up meeting the ex touring guitar-tech for Foghat. Interesting guy with lots of problems. 

Speaking of rock-n-roll.... I bought the birthday boy a monitor for his electronic drum kit. Now we are real rock stars. Becoming a star is pretty easy. Natural, even. Much easier, in fact, than life might otherwise suggest. There are a few elements of being a rock star that one should keep in mind. Like: you deserve this.  

"The road of excess leads to the palace of wisdom." - William Blake

Robert Hunter's Ten Commandments of Rock & Roll:

1. Suck up to the top cats
2. Do not express independent opinions.
3. Do not work for common interests, only factional interests.
4. If there’s nothing to complain about, dig up some old gripe.
5. Do not respect property or persons other than band property and personnel.
6. Make devastating judgments about persons and situations without adequate information.
7. Discourage and confound personal, technical, and/or creative projects.
8. Single out absent persons for intense criticism.
9. Remember that anything you don’t understand is trying to fuck with you.
10 Destroy yourself physically and morally and insist that all true brothers do likewise as an expression of unity.

Written by Bob Dylan and Robert Hunter:

I'm not sure if today's post was therapeutic for you or not. You should derive some comfort from knowing that anybody can write better than this. 
