Tuesday, January 10, 2023

Gargoyle, I

Woke up, the witches were gone, am standing guard against them now. The evil fire-breathing chimeras will have to fight their way back inside today. 

The pic above was taken when Raquel and I went to France. This is from the now partially destroyed roof of Notre Dame, looking north to the hill of Sacré-Couer. Our hotel was right around the corner from the Basilica of Montmartre. Well, it wasn't a hotel, it was like an air-bnb, if I'm remembering it correctly. It was an apartment. I remember having the place to ourselves. At the time it seemed, of course, that we had all of Paris for ourselves. We were on our delayed honeymoon, though we were not getting along very well at the onset. When I look back on our relationship I recognize now that there were a number of key moments that we were not getting along. But have a baby anyway, we sure did. Things sort of worked out. The boy will be an adult soon. Or rather, not soon for him, but pretty soon in 54-year-old years, next year he'll be 2/3rds of the way there. He'll go off to college; I'll retire. Right?

I didn't start today with a subject. I just chose an image and voila!, here we are.  I've used the same image before, many years ago. I'm sure of it. 

Perhaps it is the unceasing rain in Sonoma that has me feeling this way. Remember "acid rain" from the 1970s and 80s? I spent the first few decades of my life playing in it, without shoes. I may have contracted ringworm somewhere along the way. 
