Tuesday, January 17, 2023

Does life go on?

I found the usb drive that had my previous folders from my work computer on it, yet this is the image I chose to use. I must be out of reach. I started writing here again thinking that it was a new year and that perhaps I needed an outlet, so that the nonsense within me has a place to either live or die in the actual world. But things have changed with my job. For the better, but busier. The next year will be me adjusting to doing more work in the same amount of time. Or, I will spend more time doing more work. There are no alternatives that include me continuing to do this job. It is how I will need to be to succeed in this new role. Well, it is not a new role any more. The role that I was hired to fill suddenly requires me to do so in a way that it had not until very recently. Last Wednesday. 

It's "go time" as some say. 

Well, I won't say much more about it tonight, but my life is set to be more stressful than it had been before. I had hoped to get back into the habit of writing here before any external stressors made it more difficult. C'est la vie.

I go to get a blood test in the morning. They will tell me to reduce my cholesterol, or something similar. I'm at the age, where a trip to a doctor also includes a new restriction or warning of some kind. It becomes obligatory on their part. It is them doing their jobs. 

I can understand why some people do not ever go to see a doctor. I have, I believe, mastered the art of ignoring the medical community while still reaping its benefits. I'll know when they are being serious about something. They are good at communicating severity when the time comes. I trust this. I probably should cut down on visits, though, to be more sure.   
