Friday, August 12, 2011


(a woman being raped by your eyes) 

There is a parade today.  It is mostly women, marching in vague opposition to the comments of a Canadian police officer who said that, to avoid rape women should avoid dressing like sluts... (approx.)

Poor choice of words.  He could have said, "To help prevent being the victim of a crime you should be aware of your surroundings at all times and avoid entering situations where a crime might likely occur.  When getting out of your car don't leave valuables out in the open where they can be seen. Keep your money and credit cards concealed. Be aware of your surroundings. There are some people out there that seek to hurt you, those that look for opportunities to take from you. There are many tactics that can help prevent you from being a victim."

Women have the right to dress however they choose, we all know this.  But by doing so it does not automatically eliminate the crime of rape from the face of the earth, nor does it stop people from fighting that crime and working towards goodness, even if a few misguided Canadian illiterates are a part of that same struggle.

It is bizarre to me. I certainly don't have all the necessary perspective to resolve any of it.  But it seems that by forever defining themselves as victims they defeat any notion of personal liberation that I've ever understood.  Imaginary victimhood, or real victimhood, is a status that it seems one would hope to avoid, or free oneself from, or struggle against.

Some of them definitely are victims, and rape is very real.  Any caring and sentient human would resist it both in concept, and actuality, and law. But it's as if they refute the very idea of being careful, that rape is actually real, and it is foolhardy to not avoid it in whatever ways you can.  They, of course, shout that they are the victims and not the perpetrators.  In what other instance are we forced to stop protecting people from inviting harm to themselves so that they can re-issue their identities as eternal victims?  Perhaps only in Israel.  There is a big difference between consequence and blame. If your actions bring harm to yourself or others, intentionally or otherwise, then you must reconsider those actions.  A parade has never prevented a single rape as far as I know. 

A victim never has to morally evaluate themselves.  

To even suggest that a person could have acted with a stronger sense of self-safety is yet a rape of another kind.

Not true, at all.

Soon they will tell us that trying to protect children from harm is just another way of assuring our male dominance over all things. That the children have the RIGHT to play with known child molesters after school, that it is the MOLESTERS that have done something wrong, letting your child go to their house in the early-to-mid evening for butterscotch pudding and tummy-tingle-time is perfectly NORMAL behavior.  Why must men always dictate what is safe for us?

I am VICTIM, hear me ROAR.

Many of you are screaming in your minds right now that I have made a corollary between women and children, both assumably helpless and in need of male dominance.  This was very intentional. I am only referencing the feminists that currently act and speak like children, though dressed in lingerie in the streets of NYC and elsewhere, not all of the others.  It is infantilism of the mind only that I seek to resist.

It is my genuine wish that one day all feminists could just be quiet.  I mean, they would have nothing left to fight for, that true equality would have already been achieved, and enjoyed by all.  

The parade is ostensibly against the brutally injurious acts and thoughts of individual men, and on a larger scale, against the very "male-ness" of society, and that society was perhaps not rightfully based on women's undergarments, but instead on men's phallic ideas.  They are fighting sky-rise architecture with flying and buttressed girdles.

Good luck. Try boiling oils when they storm the walls of your sagging ideas.

No parade will ever stop rape, and certainly not one that involves women asserting that they have no responsibility at all to protect themselves from crime, that it is their right to wander into parking lots dressed in sheer satin panties, maybe even take a drunken nap there, in the backseat of an unlocked car, and that anybody who denies them that right is in league with rapists.  

There is one thing that I am sure of:  No woman should ever be raped.  There is another certainty.... It is all of society's responsibility to try and help prevent rape whenever and wherever possible.

There are lots of other things I could say also... No child should go hungry, there should be accessible health care for all, every individual human has rights and value, constitutional government is the best example of government thus far created, the scientific process is highly effective at determining cause and effect, etc.

But it's as if they are just petulant children demanding that they can act however they wish and there will be no consequence whatsoever for how they act.  That they are victims alone, and anybody suggesting that they should be "careful" is maybe an even greater crime than rape itself.  That suggesting civil and social moderation, and traveling in groups, along well-lit avenues at night, is just another way that men are raping the minds and souls of women everywhere...  

...because sensibility is not what is needed in creating a safe society. What is needed is women marching in the streets in their underwear to ward off the evils of men's sexual ideas of them. Men should be forced to acknowledge the vaginas of all women, bow to them as earth-goddesses on command.  Men should start wearing pink lipstick to appease the angry, moist, source of all life.

It's like fighting alcoholism with whiskey, empty bottles, a Bic lighter, kerosene, and hand guns.   

No, it is not.   Everybody should be careful. Why can't this be said without people taking to the streets  and demanding equality before the ghastly gazing eye of man....  Why is safety not the message being sent?  

The subject is rape, why is the reaction not safety? 

These women are sending the very uncertain message to young women that the tides of history are rapidly rolling and soon they'll be able to go to bars dressed only in multiple-penetration double-sided battery operated dildos, lathered from anus to artifice to oracular in gallons of freshly applied ky-jelly, if they choose to do so.  And...!!!!!  That anybody who even notices they left a little ky smudge on the bar stool next to them is a godless savage rapist, and don't ever forget it.  

If a man EVER gets an erection, or if he turns his head to notice you, or... ugggh..., crime of all crimes, talks to you......

If you see something, say something, ladies.  if you hear something, mace that fucker into the parking lot and wait for INTERPOL to whisk him away.

Don't worry, the revolution is slipping along splendidly.... 

Yes, you are still victims, and your expansion of the terms of victimhood is moving along just swimmingly. But you're venturing into the otherwise unprotected waters of abject stupidity.  Stupid victims are still victims though....  So, don't worry... soon you'll be marching for all people's inherent rights to endless naked irresponsibility.  Oh, you'll get there, you will get there.... One day we will all be free.

Consequences are the sole domain of perpetrators.


I support the gay-pride parades because I genuinely feel that these people have nothing at all to be ashamed about.  Having been socially subjugated for many years they now march in strong support of their newly found social expressions.  So be it.  I have often wondered how a "straight-shame parade", conducted on the same day, but in the east village instead, would unfold...  

Sometimes to see a concept clearly it is useful to look at its opposite.  It is all too easy to overburden one concept without deference to the other.  I wonder how many of these people would come out in support of a straight-shame parade, or even a straight-pride parade, or how many would come out to angrily throw tomatoes.  

Very few people actually seek equality.  They seek power.  Because life is unequal.  People want more than they have. Rape is the act of violently taking something from another, without permission or consent. 

It's as if the fight for equality should include power to walk through neighborhoods alone, dressed in lingerie, and be able to fight off any potential pursuer by sheer virtue of their dogma.  They're presumably reclaiming the word "slut", we are told.  I never knew it was their word to reclaim. I'm eager to give it back to them if it was taken without permission, though.   

As many of you know I am a strong supporter of the concept of words being the exclusive property of one group, and one group only.  

White men still own most of them, right?  Oh, good....

The current concepts of social equality that we all enjoy were primarily created by and advanced by men.  I wonder if maybe they should start charging usage fees to others. Aren't women really bad at making up new words?  It's silly.

Ultimately it is a way of indicting the entire male gender for the crimes of individual males, or the thoughtless comments of an average police officer.  Nobody seems to notice or care that this is part of what is happening.  It is a way of indicting everybody and asserting their agenda without question.  It is not at all dissimilar from the very crimes they claim to be victim of.  All are guilty.


I am going outside now and marching along only dressed in pink satin thong underwear, lipstick written across my chest that says, "All of my many drunken ugly latino bitches prefer to be raped from behind... Don't worry, it's just because they're dumb. Yo' Freedom....."  

Some of you might warn me not to do such a thing.

How fucking dare you....

I am marching for all men, everywhere. To fight for a day in which we might all hold our heads high and  not have to feel as if it was our behavior that made women act the way that they have towards us, to have committed the indiscretions against us that we never invited, that we are not to be held responsible for, for anything.

Never again.

We'll all have a big giggle together afterwards and the resulting world will be a far better place.
