Wednesday, August 11, 2021

My Supreme Opinion

Life is far more simple than people allow it to be. 

One should:

- Get lots of rest
- Drink lots of water
- Work hard
- Get married
- Don't beat your children or their cousins
- Have many strong, male offspring
- Pray every morning, every evening, and before lunch
- Handle poisonous snakes to demonstrate faith in God's power

One should never:

- Dawdle
- Affiliate with strangers
- Befriend neighbors who walk too close to your land
- Fall asleep with one hand below the covers
- Drink alcohol, do drugs, or receive anal sex
- Take the Lord's name in vain 
- Blaspheme the Holy Spirit
- Covet your neighbor's wife's ass, or that of the maidservant

If you can manage doing, or not doing, those simple things then you will be mostly fine and your rewards will be waiting for you after death. You will be stockpiling something that this world can not take away from you, in a faraway Kingdom of praise and joy and songs in major keys. If you choose to instead follow the path of the wicked then your rewards will be few and temporary. Every righteous soul already knows this. Only the wicked lament these truths. 

I ran out of new pictures and these came up in a social media feed a couple weeks ago. They are not that old, yet already they are of a time that is so distant that I'm surprised it can still be seen. That is the magic of photography, any other use of that form is probably from the devil's crimson eye. So, be wary of tricksters, particularly those that try to tell you that images include additional dimensions. That's the serpent's hiss, plain Beelzeblubbering for sure. 

If I've heard it once I've heard it whispered for all of eternity. 
