Well, I've had the intention to start a blog for some time now, but hadn't. I hope to post some interesting pictures here, and write a few words for each. I used to sit down each morning and write emails, but very few people write back. It is the way that things have gone with the internet. Texting is all there is now, apparently. The one regular email corespondent that I had started writing a blog a couple of years ago. That is what finally got me to write mine, I suppose. He has told me not to worry too much about each post but instead to just wake up each day and write an entry. It seems easy enough. We'll see...
The picture taken here was taken with my new camera (I only have two cameras, one of which many people would not qualify... it is an iphone). I got my degree in film, many years ago, but have not owned a camera in all of the intervening years. After several years of listening to my friend (he is an anonymous blogger so I'll avoid using his name) tell me that I really should own a camera I finally decided to buy one. I got what I thought was a pretty good digital, it is the Panasonic DMC-LX3. I am only just remembering little things about photography now, so go easy on me. I still haven't figured out how to use Aperture so for now these pictures will be right from the camera.
The image is from the subway. I live in New York. I guess that's all the bio. that's needed for now....