Just as Jesus did, the weekend died for my sins and saved me from my wretchedness. It welcomed me into its loving arms, a good Friday. Our Lamb has conquered, let us follow. The light that never goes out, etc.
I live with crippling everything. I worked alone in our back forest yesterday, for an hour or less, all night afterwards my body felt broken, held together by pain and complaint. Raquel had to beg me to grill two steaks for dinner. I would have happily passed away on the couch where I was, but no... beef does not cook itself, not in India. It was chainsaw work, so not exactly easy, but neither was it terribly difficult. I went to bed around 9pm. I awoke early and thought of making myself a morning maxi-martini. Not right away, of course, but after lying there for a while, becoming bored as the true morning approached. I rose from bed. Listening to music now - sweet redemption. Since moving to Queen City I have set up my turntables and a mixer again, which has reignited my love for vinyl. If you look through my back pages here you will find that I gave away about 2/3rds of my vinyl record collection several years ago - 35 boxes of approximately 150 each. So, of course I have been replacing a few, and then buying a few others that I never before owned on vinyl. I went through my entire collection in a single day, grabbing only what I thought mattered most, and scattered the rest like my seed. Many were missed, I have discovered, but I did an adequate job at saving what was most important to me. Some are lost now and gone forever, not irreplaceable, but cost-prohibitive to re-acquire. Though, the future concerns the future. I should talk about it more, what I hope it will be like - where everything was beautiful and nothing hurt. The only way, I'm told, to have any say in what happens there is to act intentionally towards it. This is why Raquel makes the bed every day, I believe. I read a book when I was very young titled, 100 Successful People Who Refuse To Make Their Bed - very influential. The people, I mean. I've often been inspired by the slothful hedonists, tickled by the vulgar and the lustfully envious. You get the ideas.
Ah, shit. I just realized that I'm on Google's Chrome and there appears to still be a font issue, where certain letters disappear, particularly in italics. I hope you can understand any of this without adequate emphasis. I tried to italicize "everything was beautiful and nothing hurt" but Google removed the y of the quotation. You'll know what the reference is, don't worry. If you are of a certain age, and I must presume that you are even worse than I have presumed, then you already know what it is from.
On my second cup of coffee now. A maxi-martini it is not. That is for the future. Do you now see how intentionality forms the future all around us? The unmade bed is now of the past and of the future. It travels around the present in an elliptical orbit, pillows akimbo.