Sunday, November 27, 2016

Four months of endurance training

I'm signing up for my first Olympic Triathlon, in April - 1.5k swimming, 40k cycling, 10k running. I've wanted to do one for years but have never bothered. As my 50th birthday approaches in the nearing distance I've started to look at things that I can still do. Or things that I can still strive for, at least. 

I'll need to train, of course, mostly the swimming and jogging. I'm reasonably confident I have the biking portion down. The 1500 meters of swimming and the 10k of running, I'm not so sure. Particularly when all three activities are done in sequence, and timed to measure performance.

None of the other things I've done - the buying of the cameras and lenses, or the sudden purchasing of two new bikes - has screamed quite as loudly that I need a girlfriend more than does this recent decision. Sure, I could claim that it's just a fitness goal, but I know in my heart I wouldn't be doing any of this if I had some squeeze. 

It's pretty basic, really, how these types of things work.

It's like this:

If 🏊🏼 + πŸš΄πŸΌ + πŸƒπŸΌ = πŸ…

AndπŸ… = πŸ’ƒ

Then 🏊🏼 + πŸš΄πŸΌ + πŸƒπŸΌ = πŸ’ƒ

The logic seems clear enough: after I win a triathlon I'll become a woman, dancing in a red dress.  
