Monday, April 29, 2013


The infirmity lingers. Today I return to work, which is just there in the next room over, the dining room. The weekend passed far too quickly. I couldn't find an adequate adventure to share with the puppy, so we just bumbled around together, being buddies. He longs for his mommy. Did I mention that they're gone? Colorado and then Florida and then Colorado, sort of.

I slept like a fat vampire last night, under sleep's spell while there was still generous light out. It must be because I am slowly recovering from my malady. I still took an adult dosage of the NyQuil solution, and then filled the little cup with water to get the remainder, just to be sure. I think I might have had a Xanax also. The tincture does a very different thing when you don't really need it. Its sedative properties are astounding. Not only did sleep offer no argument but it seemed to demand and keep my immediate company. We were likewise buddies for the night, without any bickering, cursing, or promises that we couldn't keep.

I long for my camera to arrive.

The house is so quiet without Rachel and Rhys here in the mornings. I can hardly think to write. I've gotten used to the noise and the needs, somehow, now the silences haunt.

Isn't it fun to coax a woman into saying "cock"?
